
On BarBe-Kai, a fundraiser

By 19th June 2017 No Comments

We’re so lucky to have so many wonderful people in our corner. Penny + Tony, friends of Kai’s grandparents, parents of Sam’s school friend threw Kai a BBQ.

I can’t even begin to explain what an amazing night it was for us. There’s something about having so many people love on your baby, to say they hope for the best, and to follow up with donations is just… it’s just overwhelming. And generous. And amazing. 

There was a very loud raffle, where almost everyone bought something to go in. It was fab – they sold something close to 500 raffle tickets. Our crew must have bought a bucketload because we came home with an epic amount of prizes. Some of the prizes were so impressive – a chocolate pizza from the Chocolate Deli was just phenomenal. There was fancy wine, a giant tube of haribo, bunting (from Peanut & Jam!). Kai’s grandad was especially happy with his new set of screwdrivers. 

There was a cake auction, with two beautiful, beautiful cakes (thank you Jan!) and Penny, our host, made this ginormous beast of a chocolate cake. Guesses taken for the closest weight (it came in at a whopping 5kg) and it was *delicious*. 

Kai’s Grandma sold some of her watercolours, I sold some of my cards. There was also a donation tin, as people came in.

And then there was the meat… Tony is an avid barbecue-r. Avid. The pork joint was bigger than Kai (at a massive 12kg) when it hit the BBQ. There was sausages, chicken, beef, pork and just… a lot of deliciousness in an evening. 

When Kai had had enough, we called it and packed up ready to leave. We got a text later that evening once the donations had been counted up and oh my days. OH MY DAYS. We made £1127.35 in one evening.

I… just, I can’t even begin to express how taken aback we were, how grateful we were by the generosity of people that didn’t even know us. Who didn’t know our story. Who were there because they knew Penny and Tony. 

And to the people that did know us, we’re so so lucky to be surrounded by the people we are. So lucky that there are so many on #teammikaere. So incredibly lucky. 

What an incredibly, amazing night. We’re so grateful.  Take that NKH. Research is happening, we’re moving it forward. After a night like this one, it’s impossible not to have hope. Hope that we’re going to fund a cure, that we’ll get a future with Kai. 

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